Informationen zur Plattform

Eine App für alles!
Noch nie war es möglich, schneller und einfacher für ihr Unternehmen Besitzer einer eigenen Plattform & App zu werden.
Wir haben uns nach einer sehr gut funktionierenden Livelaufzeit von 3 Monaten entschlossen, die Plattformsoftware zu verkaufen.
Unique opportunities!
The software consists of 4 categories, 26 sectors and approx. 800 industries.
Services - Renting - Selling - Company.
Thanks to the modular structure, there are countless possibilities to implement your wishes and ideas for your own platform & app. It is possible to use the software as a whole, to split it or to rebuild and redesign it according to your wishes. The software can be used as a web platform without an app. The modular design of the software means that there are virtually no limits to the possibilities.
Examples of a possible platform:
Service provider:
Create offers with display of availability. (traffic light system) Information about your company with prices, locations live or manually. With the live chat, it is possible to process everything via the platform, from inquiries and quotations to invoicing. This software enables you to lead your company into the future digitally like no other.
Cab industry - transportation industry:
Mit Abholort, Zielort, Fahrkostenberechnung, Ankunftszeit und Buchung mit virtueller Karten-Liveanzeige. In Partnerschafft mit einem führenden Satteliten-Provider haben wir diese Technik für alle anderen Branchen wie: Dienstleister, Kuriere, Transport-unternehmen und viele mehr modular vorbereitet.
Rental and sale:
There are 12 categories & approx. 400 sectors to choose from.
Platform - Languages:
German - English - French - Italian
Admin panel:
The admin panel is dynamically programmed and gives the company unique and independent options.
Brand & rights:
Wir besitzen die Wortbildmarkenrechte kmu4you für die Schweiz und der EU, sowie die notwendigen Domains.
Software development:
If required, a Swiss company with its motivated and experienced developers will be at your side to implement your future ideas and wishes.

We would be delighted if we have aroused your interest in this platform with its unique possibilities.

App sectors



Have fun

with kmu4you

Realgroup GmbH
8834 Schindelllegi

UID-Nr.HE 405 850 858
